Our Meetings

Upcoming Events

Sun 9 February

Area Meeting for Business on Sunday 9th February 2025 starts at 2pm


Venue: Cheltenham Quaker Meeting, Warwick Place, Cheltenham GL52 2NP

Area Meeting Friends are welcome to Meeting for Worship first, best to bring a packed luch. Area Meeting for Business starts 2pm followed by refreshments.

Sun 30 March

Meeting for Learning

Venue: Cirencester Quaker Meeting, 53 Thomas St, Cirencester GL7 2BA

Meeting for Learning. Friends are invited to a Meeting for Learning at 11.45am, following a short coffee break after Meeting for Worship. Mark Dibben will talk about sustainability. His talk will also be available on Zoom.

Sat 12 April

Area Meeting for Business


Venue: Cirencester Quaker Meeting, 53 Thomas Street, Cirencester GL7 2BA

Saturday 12th April Friends both members and attenders are invited to this Area Business for Business. 10am for prompt 10.30am start of the AM.

We plan to have a bring and share lunch at the end of the meeting.

Click the coloured boxes or map pins for more information on each meeting.


Meeting for Worship

Every Sunday at 10:30
Every Wednesday at 19:00-19:30

Cheltenham Meeting has its own website at https://www.cheltenhamquaker.org.uk/. Wednesday Meetings for Worship are held online. Contact the meeting via its website for joining details.


Friends Meeting House, Warwick Place, Cheltenham, GL52 2NP


✓ Hearing loop
✓ Wheelchair access
✓ Wheelchair accessible toilet


Meeting for Worship

Every Sunday at 10:30-11:30
Every Thursday at 10:30-11:00

Children's Meeting

Children's meeting on the second Sunday of each month. Please tell the meeting in advance if children are coming.


Friends Meeting House, 53 Thomas Street, Cirencester, GL7 2BA

Phone Number

01285 652217


✓ Parking

Off-street parking on Sundays only.

Forest Of Dean

Meeting for Worship

Every Sunday at 10:30

Parking is in the road or the Berry Hill Rugby Football Club next door. You can also join our Meetings for Worship online - contact dorocardus@hotmail.co.uk for details.

Children's Meeting

We hope to start a regular children's meeting soon.


Berry Hill Memorial Institute (The Hut), Lakers Hill, Berry Hill, Coleford, GL16 7QU


Meeting for Worship

Every Sunday at 10:30-11:30

For more information, including the Zoom link for our Blended Meetings, please contact Sarah Eilbeck – sarah@eilbeck.org.uk.

Children's Meeting

Children and young people welcome, please contact in advance for details.


Friends Meeting House, Greyfriars, Southgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 1TS

Phone Number

07949 063781



Meeting for Worship

Every Sunday at 10:00-11:00
Every Wednesday at 11:00-11:30
Fourth Sunday at 18:00-18:30

Children's Meeting

Children's meeting every Sunday 10am (except August). All children return to main meeting at 10:45am.


Friends Meeting House, Chestnut Hill, Nailsworth, GL6 0RA

Phone Number

01453 832396


✓ Hearing loop
✓ Wheelchair access
✓ Wheelchair accessible toilet


Meeting for Worship

Every Sunday at 10:30-11:30

The co-clerks of the Meeting are John Linsell (01452 812936) and Edward Elgar (01452 814359). Please copy both of them into clerking correspondence.

Children's Meeting

Children are welcome to join us for worship. We do not have a children’s meeting but if you give us advance notice, we can try and arrange some age specific provision.


Friends Meeting House, Withymead Lane, Vicarage Street, Painswick, GL6 6XS

Phone Number

01452 812936


✓ Hearing loop
✓ Wheelchair access
✓ Wheelchair accessible toilet

There is no parking at the Meeting House, and parking on the street is limited. Visitors are advised to park in the village car park, which is about 10 minutes walk away. The lane to the Meeting House is quite steep, but is manageable in a motorised wheelchair.


Meeting for Worship

Every Sunday at 10:30-11:30

On the second and fourth Sundays Friends can join the meeting via Zoom. We also hold a half-hour Meeting for Worship on Zoom at 7.30 pm on the first Thursday of every month.

Children's Meeting

We welcome children to our meeting, but only hold a children's class when children come. Please let us know in advance if you plan to bring children so that we can plan a suitable activity for them.


The Exchange, Brick Row, Stroud, GL5 1DF


✓ Wheelchair access
✓ Wheelchair accessible toilet
✓ Parking

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